Smart HS Code Match

Over Bil+ of real life data used to match HS Codes to national standards to the Product Description. Datasets used include past shipment records with HS codes declared to the 180+ countries' customs authorities and port terminals.

HS Code Match to National Standards

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WTO 6-digit HS Code Match
HS Code HS Code Description Accuracy Rank Accuracy Score Note
HS Code Description for National Tariff Lines
Search Term Reporter Country Code Reporter Country HS Code Source Number of HS Code Digits Full HS Code Descriptions Accuracy Rating Accuracy Score
HS Code Match for National Tariff Lines (English Version)
Search Term Reporter Country Code Reporter Country HS Code Source Number of HS Code Digits Full HS Code Description Accuracy Rating Accuracy Score
HS Codes & Descriptions

HS code is short for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. It's a list of numbers used by customs to classify a product.

HS Code HS Code Descriptions (UN) Note