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6-digit HS Code Match (WTO Standard)
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National HS Code Match
HS Code HS Code Description Accuracy Rank Accuracy Score
National HS Code Match (English Version)
HS Code HS Code Description Accuracy Rank Accuracy Score
Import/Export Measures Summary
HS Code HS Code Description Non-Tariff Measures Import/Export Restrictions AllMeasure Action
Import/Export Measures Details

Information on Measure Titles, Legislation Details, Affected Countries and Source Links.

FTA Rates Regulations Summary
HS Code HS Code Description HS Code Match Accuracy Agreement Name Import Duty Rate In Force Date Type Action
Import Duty Agreement Details

Information on Rules of Origin, Certificate Provision and Agreement Sources. Our database includes Non-Preferential Regimes.

Product Requirements Notifications Summary
HS Code HS Code Description Product Requirements Notifications Action
Product Requirements Notifications Details

Details on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Regulations Notificaitons.

Title: Implementation Rules on Inspection, Supervision and Administration of Imported Used Mechanical and Electrical Products, (25 pages, in Chinese)

Products Info : Food

Description : In order to implement the relevant provisions of Article 96 of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, to meet the demands of further opening-up and rapid growth of imported food trade in China, to ensure the safety of imported food and to promote trade facilitation, China has refined and improved the requirements for the registration and management of overseas manufactures of imported food on the basis of existing regulations. The main contents include the application subject, application conditions, application methods and materials, examination methods, registration number and validity period, and management measures (including information update, suspension, cancellation, revocation, etc) of overseas manufactures that have finished registration.


International Classification for Standards (ICS) Codes : 67 - FOOD TECHNOLOGY , 67 - FOOD TECHNOLOGY

Other Details:

  • Keywords: Food standards

  • Objectives: Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection (TBT), "Protection of human health or safety (TBT)

IATA Dangerous Goods Substances Matched
DG Substance Alert Type Match Rate
IATA Dangerous Goods Detection Score
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IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
Substance Name UN ID Hazard Label Packing Group